Frogs croak and firecrackers abound,
all I need now is a dozen fireflies around -
to make life more like a fairy tale than ever before,
but I see that it is what it is, as I stare out from the stage door.
Lightning lights up the sky that I’m looking at once again,
I see my view has changed while I immersed myself within -
a joyful energy and an upbeat rhythm inside,
a louder drum beating, keeping this rhythm alive.
You know the one, we all do actually,
we are closer to our dreams not dwelling on reality.
You can make others see it too when you open your eyes,
when you step out of the shackles, and shake off the ties.
It is the very texture of people that makes us interesting...
So you write your secret on a postcard and you send it to Frank,
and when you do that, there is only one person to thank.
The person in the mirror who let go of something deep,
and started the uphill walk, not daunted by how steep.
Because sometimes life just is, uphill both ways,
it is your commitment to the journey that will change you in a way -
a way that will remind you just where it is that you came from,
while you realign your tempo to the rhythm of a new drum.
What's interesting is that we want to be big when we are small,
that no matter how big you are, you think you’re never quite tall –
tall enough for yourself or maybe a nagging voice within,
but never letting on, preserving only the outward grin.
You can go to school each day and be drowned within,
the gossip and the bullying and the unnecessary chagrin.
Some learned times and some very wasted times at that,
until it dawns on you that inside you’re quite phat…
One day you’ll stop whining and only write about this,
seeing the lessons from your past, ensuring that you grow from it.
And then they’ll stop gossiping because they can see who you are,
a beautiful and stellar bright – star among stars.
So if you don’t like me or what I write about here,
click to another site and go search elsewhere…
For fables about life you know you see yourself in,
and surprisingly acknowledge that on your face sits a grin.
I’m proud of my journey and the diary’s I keep,
on these pages, they’re me, both strong but still weak.
I can look back with humility and remember the old me,
while I listen to the storm that blows in through the trees.
Lightning lights up the sky that I’m looking at once again,
I sip on my wine and I hear the start of the rain.
Ah... I see your view has changed while you immersed yourself within,
and surprisingly you acknowledge that on your face sits a grin.
You look back with humility and remember the old you,
and make plans to fill yet another pair of original shoes.
It is now that you know that we are all the bees knees,
while you too listen, to the storm that blows in through the trees...
© Dylan Balkind 2009
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