Tuesday, December 30, 2008

For Kat

Blue street. Your street. My street. Ours.
A friendship knows no boundaries, but only equal powers.
We met one night and made it a late one at that,
I’ve never ever forgotten the moment I met Kat.

So beautiful, so gentle, so very full of love,
a friendship so comfortable and warmer than a sheepskin glove.
She’s never grown old or lost her touch or frayed,
nothing ever wavered and her friendship decorum stayed.

When my heart was sore and I cried all night,
she hugged me and reminded me that all would be alright.
She drove me to Cape Town and took me away from it all,
so that I forgot, and then realised that I was no longer sore.

She never tired and she even listened when it got boring,
and usually at times when the world around us was snoring.
Some people close to me still never get what she does,
her presence is my reminder that a friendship is about “us”.

Peter you’re an amazing and lucky human being,
your blessing is each other and now I know that seeing is believing.
And today on your wedding day when I cannot physically be present,
I send these words, written from my emotional gradient.

Good luck, good love and I wish you everything from above,
stay strong for forever and always come back to the love.
Blue street. Your street. My street. Ours.
Your union will know no boundaries, but only love and equal powers.

All the love and care while I wish I could be there… Dylan.

© Dylan Balkind 2008

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