I believe in reincarnation... sometimes.
I believe I can be incredibly cantankerous and then happy again the next day,
And being at the whim of my bite is simply the price you must pay.
You’ll be warm again and even love me once more,
or you can choose to walk out yet another slamming door.
Or, I might be at the end of your mood and selfish delight,
and passionately profess to hate you with all my might.
And the rebirth of our love is yet another swift mood change-gear,
and together we go on in an honesty pinky-promise swear.
We should know that existing again can come at a high price,
and the gamble we play is so much more than just rolling a dice.
So be kind to this place and leave a light on for yourself,
and decibal dewey your thoughts in your mind library shelf.
Reincarnate yourself with frank meaning to what you say,
to yourself over and over in that head of yours each day.
New lives can exist in many ways and very different states of being,
they’re there for the taking and your seeing will be your believing.
It’s funny how we can hate tomorrow what we cherished today,
but isn’t this simply the reincarnation way?
Starting again in a good minute on this day,
is very much a way of your soul saying ‘Happy Birthday’.
Our popular reasoning is just like a creative line-up screening,
we pick the good from the bad and leave the experience somewhat teeming -
- because ‘popular’ is subjective and will also reincarnate itself,
from memories on your dewey decibal mind library shelf.
So then, falling off the rail is ok when people can’t be bothered to listen,
because their ugliness today will be their beauty in tomorrow’s glisten.
And we will surely all be happy, eventually,
Like the immortal leaves on the charming reincarnation tree.
And so the sun shines brightly through the very darkest of clouds,
reincarnating your happiness, and erasing all your doubts.
And starting again in a good minute on this day,
means we’re grasping the gift of the reincarnation way.
© Dylan Balkind 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Reincarnation Gift
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Remember . . .
“Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.”
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama
Friday, July 25, 2008
Poppy Time

There’s a lot to be said for pure intention and the price of time,
and knowing that time you enjoyed wasting is not the same as wasted time¹.
It’s as important as trying to live your life without sin,
as is the important sense of pride that comes from being believed in.
Calmly setting free the impact of this much energy,
is something I’m still learning and can’t say when I’ll be ready -
- to understand averages and probability,
being the result of rejection, dejection and transformability.
Fragile cups filled with magical thoughts and a priceless soup,
both wonderful and poisonous in a left-brain/right-brain power struggle coup.
Knowing when we’ve let the bad stuff out, hurting someone along the way,
and having to have faith in the blessing of a brand new day.
I just want my life rhythm to be like exclamation points,
and to be fully lived, in every muscle and all my joints.
And although we want life to exist in a field of poppy’s and sunshine rays,
the bigger lessons might be learned in the shadows of abandoned alley ways.
It’s hard to be dedicated to enjoying every moment of every day,
and the shit that life throws at us is the heavy price we pay -
- for forgetting why and what it is we are here to do,
and trust me, when I find out, I will tell you.
Still I run in a field of poppy’s and sunshine rays,
and I’m determined to stay happy, in so many ways.
Slowly learning pure intention and the price of wasted time,
but I know that time I enjoy wasting it not the same as wasting time!
© Dylan Balkind 2008
¹ Ref: TS Elliot
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Remember . . .
"You risk tears if you let yourself be tamed."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Shoreditch / Then

I left my mind in Shoreditch then,
an era in a place like a double edged blade-switch when –
- things were so familiar but unacknowledged in any possible way,
like a place you see and walk past every day.
Detail & places you must see before you’re 69,
will make your mirth lines render you simply divine.
Like performances and fireworks Live in the park,
or just lighting incense and sitting in the dark.
I never quite put my finger on it,
It seemed a hazy blur.
Not knowing where cycles began and courses ran,
Like the audio was wrapped in fur.
I say tom/ah/toe, you say to/may/toe,
And my popularity makes you a jerk.
But eat thy bread with joy and drink thy wine with a merry heart,
For God now accepteth thy works.
Now welcome to my hideout.
My timeout. My space away from the endless runabout.
It is sometimes dark, yet it can be extraordinarily bright –
Or like a shape that you may never completely make out.
It might smell of freshly mowed and very wet grass,
Or cut like you’re walking on shards of shatterd glass.
It can be kind and it can be restfully warming,
And its vastness can be remarkably disarming.
It’s my personality it is, my excess runabout,
my timeout and my space away from the endless muck-about.
And so what if I left my mind in Shoreditch that day -
Or at a place you see, and walk past every day...
If I ever get to be that superlative 69,
I trust my mirth lines will paint me truly divine.
I might be even louder then, and still run towards the might,
Or simply sit by myself, smelling incense at night.
It’s my personality this is, and my way to go within -
A me hoping to forvever wear, a happy-go-lucky grin.
© Dylan Balkind 2008
ref: Ecclesiastes 7
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Resigning from the Herd

Feeling different amid feeling distinctly better,
I turned that page and I’m seeing it much simpler.
This grasping gallantly at my individuality,
Animates a latent spirituality.
The corner of your universe you can focus on improving,
is to be a better you and to never stop touching -
- the walls of your world moreover making the best of,
such a sincere existence while forgetting all the drivel rest-of.
Few have frankly exhibited being a true individual,
But seeing it happen makes me less deplorable –
- Of the world I might worry to expound myself honestly in,
And the bliss of the light inside me becomes free of chagrin.
Your revered rhythm is a demonstration and a performance to bestow,
If you listen to it contentedly you will grow and you will know -
That a man is a force and his energy is rife,
When he resigns from the herd and he thinks for himself.
Total character and distinguishing an individual
Brings you back to a knowing and a growing spiritual,
You might have to be bold and wake some people up –
- But knowing that you can’t please all of the people all of the time...
Will be the biggest gift you give yourself and the ultimate leg up.
I turned that page and I’m seeing it much simpler.
This grasping gallantly at my individuality,
Animates a latent spirituality.
The corner of your universe you can focus on improving,
is to be a better you and to never stop touching -
- the walls of your world moreover making the best of,
such a sincere existence while forgetting all the drivel rest-of.
Few have frankly exhibited being a true individual,
But seeing it happen makes me less deplorable –
- Of the world I might worry to expound myself honestly in,
And the bliss of the light inside me becomes free of chagrin.
Your revered rhythm is a demonstration and a performance to bestow,
If you listen to it contentedly you will grow and you will know -
That a man is a force and his energy is rife,
When he resigns from the herd and he thinks for himself.
Total character and distinguishing an individual
Brings you back to a knowing and a growing spiritual,
You might have to be bold and wake some people up –
- But knowing that you can’t please all of the people all of the time...
Will be the biggest gift you give yourself and the ultimate leg up.
© Dylan Balkind 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Remember . . .
“Cherish forever what makes you unique,
‘cuz you're really a yawn if it goes.”
Bette Midler
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Vitamin D K B
You want a new future so you rewrite your past. Your words. Your thoughts. Your hopes and fears. You pretend you had always meant to do whatever you did – and inside you cringe. Bread goes stale. Cheese goes stale. We go stale... but only when we let us.
Ctrl. Alt. Del. Refresh! Be new. Be well. Keep walking.
Pick a journey, take a ride. Run, hop, skip, jump – do it! Make a return to innocence because, in every Mona Lisa Smile is a big bold grin and an overzealous laugh. That place inside us never goes away – our laziness just covers it up.
Life’s rush shrouds initial intentions and sells out to double standards and a bar we are always trying to reach. Be proud of you, of what you can do – and then do it.
Ctrl. Alt. Del. Refresh! Be new. Be well. Keep walking.
Pick a journey, take a ride. Run, hop, skip, jump – do it! Make a return to innocence because, in every Mona Lisa Smile is a big bold grin and an overzealous laugh. That place inside us never goes away – our laziness just covers it up.
Life’s rush shrouds initial intentions and sells out to double standards and a bar we are always trying to reach. Be proud of you, of what you can do – and then do it.
Ctrl Alt. Del. Refresh! Be new. Be well. Keep walking.
© Dylan Balkind 2006
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Let's say
(old writings)
Let’s aim for suicide and settle on depression,
Let’s ponder this loneliness some more,
Let’s recount how many friends seemed to promise delivery and then seemingly failed to do so.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s meet old friends and hope to pick up where we left off.
Let’s indulge in outpouring of our souls and declare a cleansing and ultimately feeling better.
Let’s re-acquaint in a feigned reality and find comfort in the patterns of old routines.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s throw out reality and say ‘what are you on?’
Let’s negate all boundaries and draw the line at nowhere,
Let’s eradicate all reason and tradition and find new meaning to this union.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s run to the ends of the earth.
Or let’s not, and just say we did.
© Dylan Balkind 2001
Let’s aim for suicide and settle on depression,
Let’s ponder this loneliness some more,
Let’s recount how many friends seemed to promise delivery and then seemingly failed to do so.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s meet old friends and hope to pick up where we left off.
Let’s indulge in outpouring of our souls and declare a cleansing and ultimately feeling better.
Let’s re-acquaint in a feigned reality and find comfort in the patterns of old routines.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s throw out reality and say ‘what are you on?’
Let’s negate all boundaries and draw the line at nowhere,
Let’s eradicate all reason and tradition and find new meaning to this union.
Let’s not, and say we did.
Let’s run to the ends of the earth.
Or let’s not, and just say we did.
© Dylan Balkind 2001
(old writings)
Unstable, I stumble, and fall into this pit. Life is peculiar... so funny in fact that, were I to die now, it’d be laughing myself to death.
I think it’s funny how straight forward others are in pointing out my defaults. I think it’s funny how their objectivity dissempowers self evaluation for them. I think it’s funny how what was once so strong has withered, and now all I can ask for is the once-a-week obligatory phone call. I think it’s funny how obsessive I am about others’ non obsessiveness about me. I think it’s funny how paranoia works. I think it’s funny how I only see myself in context of their opinions and social reviews of me. I think it’s funny how the stories I tell seem to make only my heart beat faster. I think it’s funny how filmic representation has made such an impact on my ideology, that distinguishing for me, is now so hard to do.
Unstable, I stumble, and fall into this pit. Life is peculiar... so funny in fact that, were I to die now, it’d be laughing myself to death.
I think it’s funny how straight forward others are in pointing out my defaults. I think it’s funny how their objectivity dissempowers self evaluation for them. I think it’s funny how what was once so strong has withered, and now all I can ask for is the once-a-week obligatory phone call. I think it’s funny how obsessive I am about others’ non obsessiveness about me. I think it’s funny how paranoia works. I think it’s funny how I only see myself in context of their opinions and social reviews of me. I think it’s funny how the stories I tell seem to make only my heart beat faster. I think it’s funny how filmic representation has made such an impact on my ideology, that distinguishing for me, is now so hard to do.
I think it’s funny how no matter how we walk and talk in the different roles we play, inadequacies always outweigh the proposed confidence and we become transparent for it. I think it’s funny how longing for sets me up for overexposed pictures from the negatives I was so keen to see. I think it’s funny how I go through life as this glowing ball of influential energy, yet am unable to consume it myself. I think it’s funny how I can rant and rave on paper and then tell myself I’ve dealt with those frustrations, that anger, that pain. I think it’s funny how after all that, there is still a glimpse of hope, even if disguised in one single persons acknowledgement of me. I think it’s funny how in the short time we’re given, we toss aside lessons that continually slap us in the face and persist to take time and life for granted. I think it’s funny how ‘we’ becomes ‘he’ becomes ‘we’ becomes ‘I,’ (alone). I think it’s funny that I see it that way and still waste time and energy worrying, and controlling.
Ergo, I think it’s funny how unstable we all are. Unstable, we (all) stumble, falling into this pit (with me).
© Dylan Balkind 2001
Ergo, I think it’s funny how unstable we all are. Unstable, we (all) stumble, falling into this pit (with me).
© Dylan Balkind 2001
(old writings)
The phone stopped ringing, I stopped whining and entertaining turned to entertainment – required. Belittled by belittling factors of inner feuds and eventual death. Pining shadows whining and stillness sets in.
Time lost, birthdays missed, temptress evil of the financial kiss. Alone finds new meaning from being to wanting to giving – of me. The other in the mirror says ‘remember me,’ and acquainted memories come into focus.
Walking the plank to travel and splendour, geographical argues with headspace and time is a vendor. Silly rhyme scheme here we go, let’s continue this lifetime show. Because entertaining always turns to entertainment – required.
The seats in solitude theatre are comfy. So sit, enjoy and take in the surround, when pining shadows whining and stillness sets in.
© Dylan Balkind 2001
The phone stopped ringing, I stopped whining and entertaining turned to entertainment – required. Belittled by belittling factors of inner feuds and eventual death. Pining shadows whining and stillness sets in.
Time lost, birthdays missed, temptress evil of the financial kiss. Alone finds new meaning from being to wanting to giving – of me. The other in the mirror says ‘remember me,’ and acquainted memories come into focus.
Walking the plank to travel and splendour, geographical argues with headspace and time is a vendor. Silly rhyme scheme here we go, let’s continue this lifetime show. Because entertaining always turns to entertainment – required.
The seats in solitude theatre are comfy. So sit, enjoy and take in the surround, when pining shadows whining and stillness sets in.
© Dylan Balkind 2001
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Planet Revolving
We live on a planet revolving,
So full of colour and chronicles.
So rich. So barren.
So humbling and luminous.
Tomorrow I’ll water small animals, big animals and things truly great,
You may read this and post it for some truly interesting spate.
Simple mechanics - a gamble we say,
Watching this long-lost baton relay.
Humans open your eyes and hear the sound of the breaking stick,
The cogs in the machine remain purely voyeuristic.
Stop to take it in, it isn’t just as it seems,
The energy of nature and the nature of sweet dreams.
Mammals, reptiles and birds from this planet,
A miracle of energy to entertain you in where you're at.
So rich. So barren.
Such an honest and wide array.
It can make you speechless and it can make you want to pray.
Ecosystem with personality -
- personality with love.
It’s LIFE in its most zealous form,
Nothing but art.
We live on a planet revolving.
So full of colour and chronicles.
So rich. So barren.
So humbling and luminous.
Tomorrow I’ll water small animals, big animals and things truly great,
You may read this and post it for some truly interesting spate.
Simple mechanics - a gamble we say,
Watching this long-lost baton relay.
Humans open your eyes and hear the sound of the breaking stick,
The cogs in the machine remain purely voyeuristic.
Stop to take it in, it isn’t just as it seems,
The energy of nature and the nature of sweet dreams.
Mammals, reptiles and birds from this planet,
A miracle of energy to entertain you in where you're at.
So rich. So barren.
Such an honest and wide array.
It can make you speechless and it can make you want to pray.
Ecosystem with personality -
- personality with love.
It’s LIFE in its most zealous form,
Nothing but art.
We live on a planet revolving.
© Dylan Balkind 2008
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