Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In the shadows of your den

Storms unleashed with an evil kiss,
in an eon of uncertainty while the darkness hissed.
It was certainly not great or even just a little bit sublime,
this was the mess that was 2009.

I grew and I fought but I didn’t necessarily have to like it,
I stared blankly back at faces who told me I would survive it.
I didn’t ask for a war with the Universe herself,
I wanted to walk through it coolly, without any strife.

But we don’t always get what we want and there’s no guarantee we ever will,
while we sit on the abysmal 2009 windowsill.
But hopefully only abysmal while you look back on the mess,
quite clear of murk and only gleaming optimism for the rest.

So, you ask for hardiness in your new army of men,
the army that will make up your empowered thoughts for 2010.
There will be no more flirting with the dark ego itself,
your humility will abandon your pride and put its arrogance on the shelf.

Look after yourself a little more in the months to come,
more about actual care and feelings – and less about the gun.
The gun you shot off too often and always far too loudly,
while you walked through 2009 misinformed and all proudly.

And no more trampling on your souls fragile boundary fence,
and no more daring evil kisses with uninformed confidence.
But be sure to lose nothing while you heal in the shadows of your den,
and be only a wiser and happier self as you face 2010.

A new day and a year that will be completely sunny and fine,
certainly more than great and so much more than sublime.
For 2009 is gone and I am ready to walk in –
to a happier and healthier space as I face 2010.